Organizational Technologies Dorothy Leeds

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PowerSpeak Workshop

"Now that our staff has been introduced to PowerSpeak, no one who took part in the program will 'ever be boring.' The program met with unanimous raves from all the attendees who feel they will be able to apply your rules to many business situations in addition to formal presentations."
-- Gloria Kessler, Human Resources Director, The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.

Today, demands on communicators are greater than ever. The listening and viewing audience expects more, so communicators must be outstanding. Dorothy focuses on how to grab and hold media saturated audiences and on the importance of the right-brain connection (most professionals speak to and from the left-brain only). Audiences have changed, so speakers must speak differently than they have in the past.

Dorothy Leeds' PowerSpeak Program has trained thousands of managers, sales and technical people to overcome their fears, gain credibility and build their careers. The "power" in the title comes from the fact that effective communicators are perceived as more powerful and persuasive than their less verbal counterparts. The way you speak affects people's perceptions of you in meetings, during phone conversations, and in all your daily one-on-one relationships.

What makes PowerSpeak unique?

  • Our PowerSpeak motto is NEVER BE BORING!

  • Learn to eliminate THE FOUR NEVERS and utilize THE THREE MAGICAL PHRASES.

  • You get double your value! PowerSpeak is the only program teaching participants how to construct, organize, develop and deliver presentations.

  • The PowerSpeak System is a proven and unique program (no one else teaches communication skills in this way) based on 20 years of experience and results.

  • Our unique method consists of Overcoming the 6 Major Speaking Faults.

  • Special focus is given to the trouble spots: opening, closing, transitions, visual aids, and the question and answer session.

  • The main focus of our program is to turn participants into interesting, persuasive and powerful speakers.

  • We use videotaping in a unique way to maximize the use of video recording playback.

  • Speakers build on their strengths and individual styles.

  • We build the skills necessary for reading prepared material effectively and persuasively.

  • We work in groups and one-on-one.

  • The PowerSpeak System is a highly acclaimed 6-cassette audio program recommended by the American Society of Training and Development.

  • PowerSpeak was a featured book of the Literary Guild.

We provide Train the Trainer and PowerSpeak certification.

The Benefits of PowerSpeak

PowerSpeak will help you to:

  • Turn average speakers into persuasive communicators.
  • Enliven technical subjects and technical presenters.
  • Build confidence and credibility for the speaker and for your organization.
  • Maintain control in difficult or hostile situations.
  • Excel in the competencies necessary to facilitate and lead informal client, sales and staff meetings.
  • Increase ability to "think on your feet" in a clear and organized fashion.
  • Make fear work for you.
  • Gain and keep attention throughout your presentation.
  • Handle the most difficult questions.
  • Be interesting even when reading or writing a speech.

Program Content

I. The Challenge of Communication
  • Keeping up with rising listener expectations
II. Defining Our Terms
  • What is a presentation?
  • Our motto: Never Be Boring!
  • The role of a speaker in today's business environment
III. The Trouble Spots
  • Opening
  • Closing
  • Questions and Answers
  • Visual Aids
  • Transitions
IV. Overcome the 6 Major Communication Faults
  • Lack of a clear and dominant purpose
  • Loss of leadership through poor organization and lack of control
  • Too much information
  • Not enough support for your information and main message
  • Monotonous voice, lack of vocal emphasis and energy
  • Not meeting needs of the audience/speaking from your perspective not theirs
V. The Fine Points
  • Facilitating and leading informal meetings and sales presentations
  • Power Language: Turning everyday words into persuasion
  • Mastering body language
  • Harnessing the power of humor
  • Visual aids: When a picture is worth a thousand words
  • Speaking from someone else's slides
  • Stage managing: Staying one step ahead of Murphy's Law
  • Contributing with impact, clarity and confidence at meetings
  • Introducing with ease
  • Excelling at the new technologies: Computer-based presentations & video and teleconferencing
VI. How to Apply All of This: Practice
  • Delivery techniques for specific situations:
  • Meeting the media, management, the public, the boss
  • The informal meeting
  • The formal presentation
VII. CONCLUSION: How to Be Your Own Coach -- Action Plan

Program Objectives

Participants will learn to:

  1. Prepare, organize and structure a business presentation in the most efficient way.
  2. Deliver a presentation (both formal and informal) with interest and impact.
  3. Use positive body language, eliminate distracting mannerisms and build a more interesting, varied voice.
  4. Select and practice with appropriate visual aids.
  5. Develop a systematic method for continued improvement and self-coaching.

Who should attend:
Executives, salespeople, and trainers who need to develop and deliver presentations, build the organization's image, and improve personal confidence.

Sample Methodology
(for a 2-day program with 6-8 people)

Lectures are not part of an effective speaking program. Our goal is to get participants "on the platform" as often as possible. Our methodology is as follows:

  • Each person will receive, in advance, an assignment to bring to class.
  • Each person will deliver 3 videotaped presentations of 3-5 minutes each.
  • Quality time will be spent evaluating each of the videotaped presentations.

Methodology for Videotaping
(in programs where videotaping is done)

Since people learn by observing others, much of the emphasis is placed on the feedback/evaluation and self-coaching processes. Through unique interactive techniques, interest and involvement is high during the critiquing process. Critiques will be structured with the use of feedback forms. Each person will receive an ongoing feedback sheet from Dorothy Leeds, covering both voice and speech improvement as well as presentation techniques.

**Find out more about Dorothy's PowerSpeak workshops.

**Read about the PowerSpeak keynote presentation for your next conference.

**Need individual help for yourself or a colleague? Dorothy can help!

**Books or CDs reinforce what is learned in the workshop, or work well by themselves.

  Dorothy Leeds
  800 West End Ave.
  New York, NY   10025
  212.932.8364 (FAX)

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